Intro to Kintsugi

Teacher: Emi Joyce | Date: Sat, 07.13 , 10am-1pm | Location: SE Division Studio
Tuition: $135 | Materials: $40
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This introduction to the art of Kintsugi taught by Emi Joyce is designed as an accessible, 3-hr course for curious beginners. More info...

Kintsugi (金継ぎ, gold joinery) is an ancient Japanese craft practice, used for hundreds of years to repair damaged ceramics. With this technique, fractures and breaks are mended with Urushi lacquer (a natural tree resin) and gold powder, creating gold linework that evidences the repair of the artisan. The philosophy that accompanies this cultural craftway speaks to a commitment to reuse, deep care for the objects in our lives and a holistic embrace of imperfection.

Open to beginners. This introduction to the art of Kintsugi is designed as an accessible, 3-hr course for curious beginners. For folks interested in learning a more traditional approach, Emi will teach a 4-week intensive on Kintsugi in the Fall.

A broken ceramic piece is provided. You are also welcome to bring your own broken ceramics - the original piece should be small and broken into no more than four fragments. During the workshop one to three items can be finished, depending on the difficulty of the pieces and your individual pace.

Note: Urushi lacquer is used in this workshop, and is derived from a tree in the cashew family, which includes poison ivy and mango. Disposable gloves must be worn while handling the raw lacquer to avoid any allergic reaction. Enamel lacquers are also provided for students who do not want to use Urushi lacquer.

No previous experience necessary. This workshop is open to anyone 18 years old & over who meet the Essential Eligibility Criteria for Studio Workshops. All participants must accept the inherent risks of participating in a Studio Workshop and agree to sign a liability waiver. This waiver describes in more detail the risks you assume by participating in a Studio Workshop. PLEASE carefully review it!

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